Thursday, November 24, 2011

Christmas Dreams, Dashed

A nice day with the family was had, turkey was consumed, great conversation and comfortable laughs with my kickass family (with a few absent.) 

It was a terribly early dinner (I'll call it "Thanksgiving Lunch,")  though, so by the time I got home....I had a lot of time to pull out the Christmas tree and (finally) put it up.  Truthfully, I've been leading-up to this for the last week at least....teasing Steph the whole time.

Well, long story short, my Christmas decorating dreams have been dashed. 

I was all set. I pulled out the iPod, turned on James Taylor's Christmas album, started opening the box and pulling out the tree.  There were a few "what is this part" questions, but on the whole this tree is just like the trees I've had in the past (it was an LED upgrade this year, though) so I knew the landscape. 

I set up the stand...put in the bottom part....and the stick didn't fit in the hole.  I tried it every which way, even with a hammer.  I begged, searched for some piece I'd maybe looked over....nothing.  Hell, I even broke out a hammer and pliers.  It didn't fit.

I knew when I was cussing out James Taylor, giving him a filthy piece of my mind and telling him to "Shove it and THEN go tell THAT on the mountain, JIMMY...."....that it was time I took a break.  By break I mean put it back in the box and walk away.  By break I mean prepare to return it for another tree.

By break....I mean break my heart.

So I was bummed out and opted to not put the ornaments up in the TV....or hang the effing lights up on the front porch.  That'll have to wait until tomorrow....or maybe Saturday when I can get the Christmas tree I was meant to have today.

I was looking forward to having tea and reading by the light of my tree (and my nook) tonight.

Instead I'm in my jammies in the sewing room, having distanced myself completely from the front room and the disappointment.  Sophie and I are watching the National Dog Show on DVR. 

Saturday - Saturday is MY DAY.

A look into my future...but not my present.  Could I be any more dramatic??

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