Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Seven

We spent the day up north at my Love's parents' house, cleaning their carpets for them...and we've miles to go (an hour west to Sandusky to drop off a new buffet for my parents, then 2.5 hours back to the CBus.) Not sure how I'd be able to fit in a blog on-time again tonight, or my interest in doing so after spending nearly 6.5  hours on the road I'm mashing on my blackberry en route.

In lieu of an intentionally written, more thoughtful post, I've been thinking I'd do a list on Sundays instead. It worked for me in grad we could even write this off as a "throwback," you never know!

So here's my Sunday Seven (things that have made me happy today:)

  1. An extra hour of sleep.  Duh, what a gimme.
  2. Watching and appreciating my church family as we took communion this morning. I always sit in the front row and get a bit teary as everyone walks past. I always appreciate that Keeny looks directly at each person...a very intentional, and intimate moment.
  3. "The gluten-free Body of Christ for you" -- it helps when your best friend is also a pastor. I don't think I got enough of the Cup, though...I started choking during the Lord's prayer.
  4. "Johnny(Angel" - as I've been calling him) ... our new renter. While rarely being there so far, he is a thoughtful and kind roommate who has a great personality and also likes Indian food...huge bonus!
  5. I put on a pair of freshly washed jeans today and they were comically large on me. (Think: clown pants.) I pulled them off without unbuttoning them and put them with the 5 bags of clothes to donate.
  6. The 70 mph speed limit on the Turnpike. (Though I'm not driving currently, Love is.)
  7. My love's dad, who graciously changed our front brakes and rotors today, while we were doing the exchange for two 12 packs of Great Lakes beer. Yay improved stoppage!! 

1 comment:

  1. 1. i love lists

    2. isn't christ always gluten free?

    3. yay shrinkage and sharing the castoffs...

    4. yay new brakes

    5. happy sunday peas
