Friday, November 11, 2011

Celebrity Blogging

You know how, when celebrity bloggers go out of town on vacation and they re-post old blogs while they're gone?  Wouldn't that be funny here....if I re-posted, say, last Wednesday's blog?  Right, not nearly as exciting.

I'm in Atlanta this weekend, visiting my cousin and her family.  Mom and I were supposed to come down together, to stay with my cousin and her mom (who has a separate in-law suite) but my aunt went out of just I came! 

It's been years since I've been in Atlanta (probably 10, when I was in Grad School) and I think this was the first time I'd ever walked through the whole airport as an adult.  When I made it almost the whole way to baggage claim...which felt like walking all the way back to Ohio...I realized I could have taken the train.  Lessons learned. 

The flight down was pretty awesome, though.  Mom hadn't cancelled her flight since we weren't going to get anything back from it and she didn't want them to just sell it and make double the money.  When we were getting ready to board, I looked up and saw Sean, our old Graduate Student from 07-08.  We realized at once that we were on the same flight and figured Sean could just take my mom's seat....

....until they told us that they'd oversold the flight and had people flying stand-by, so someone had been given her seat already.  They were super nice about it, though, and as a consolation prize, gave me a voucher for the cost of Mom's ticket....since it was ALMOST like she'd given her seat up for someone flying stand-by. 

The woman sitting next to me offered to take Sean's seat, so we were able to chat the whole flight!! 

I didn't know how the whole blog-a-day thing would work on vacation, but there's a computer just outside my bedroom...I can't promise they'll be interesting....but they'll happen. 

Not every day can be a rant about tampons I suppose.  (Thank goodness for that.)

1 comment:

  1. amazing how we can work it out when it's time to post...

    go blog go
