Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'd Wish This On Anyone

Tell me how much more perfect my life could be right now?  I currently have my sweet dog, my constant companion and best friend for the last 7 years, curled up underneath the blanket, right next to me on the couch, sighing from her contentedness.

My Love, still my biggest surprise after all these years, is sitting in the front room talking and laughing with a friend.  I love her laughter, her loudness.  She's my fiercest defender, most loyal and vocal advocate.  She pushes my boundaries, supports even the most stubborn parts of me, and absolutely loves me unconditionally.

Our sweetest kitties are sitting in the room with me, Frank in his perch, on top of my lockers, wondering when Steph will be in (I'll always play second fiddle to her.)   GracieBeans is loafed up on the coffee table, immediately at my knee.  She's taking breaks from blinking at me to go over and steal drinks of water from my cup.  She's clearly waiting for me to put the laptop down and invite her up, so she can snuggle under my chin and purr so loudly I need to turn up the tv. 

I am healthier than I have ever been in the last 15 years.  Aside from the weight loss, after a pretty significant food overhaul, my cholesterol, triglycerides and othernumberthingies are completely normal, which has (on two occasions now) caused my doctor to jump out of her chair.  The migraines I've suffered from since 2002 - the ones that could flatten me from the pain for a full day, cause me to nearly throw up when I even felt a breeze hit me....they're completely gone.

I live in a house that is happy and healthy.  We have two roommates who share our (enormous) space and who I genuinely enjoy.  They are both very different, but both incredibly generous and funny.  I think since I lived in and ran residence halls for 10 years I really became accustomed to having different energy in the house, others around.  The best part is that I don't have to bust them for alcohol use, or set up behavior agreements and/or quiet hour rules.

I have a job that I adore and look forward to doing.  Sure, there's grief that comes with untangling bureaucratic red tape and getting yelled at all day...but the work that I do makes a difference every day, and it's a tangible outcome that I can really see.  

While there are challenging moments, I don't have terrible days.  I have love, am fiercely loved, and have so much laughter and light in my life. I wish this....on everyone.

1 comment:

  1. being happy and knowing it... priceless

    very happy for your eyesopen happy

